
Xerolite – The TradingView Webhook + InteractiveBrokers Automation


Xerolite empowers you to effortlessly link your TradingView alerts to Interactive Brokers, ensuring swift and precise execution of your trades. What sets Xerolite apart is its innovative whitelisting feature, offering an additional layer of control and security to your trading operations

Key Features:

1. TradingView Integration: Seamlessly connect your TradingView alerts to Xerolite and leverage the power of automated trading based on your custom criteria.
2. Interactive Brokers Support: Integrate Xerolite with your Interactive Brokers account for lightning-fast order execution and seamless trade management.
3. Whitelisting Capabilities: Take full control of your trading by whitelisting specific conditions or parameters that trigger trade executions, providing enhanced precision and risk management.
4. Customizable Strategies: Define and fine-tune your trading strategies using TradingView’s robust alert system, tailored to your unique trading style and preferences. (Please contact us ([email protected]) if you need to to create a customized strategy)
5. Real-Time Execution: Experience rapid order execution with Xerolite’s real-time capabilities, ensuring timely responses to market movements and opportunities.
6. User-Friendly Interface: Xerolite’s intuitive interface makes it easy for traders of all levels to set up, monitor, and adjust automated trading strategies with ease.

Whether you’re a seasoned trader seeking to optimize efficiency or a beginner looking to explore the benefits of automation, Xerolite offers the tools you need to succeed. Unlock precision trading with Xerolite today and stay ahead of the curve in today’s dynamic markets.

Installation & Setup Guide


1. You must have a server with a public IP.
2. You must have an Interactive Brokers account.
3. You must have a TradingView account.
4. The fee does not include the cost of installation and setup. We provide setup services for an additional fee. For more details, visit our [installation and setup service page](

Prerequisite Software

1. Visit the [Adoptium]( website.
2. Download JDK 11 – LTS from the website.
3. Install Java JDK 11 – LTS.
4. Set up TWS according to the pictures in the provided folder.

Start Program

1. Copy the file located on the C drive. Unzip it.
2. Double-click run.bat to start the program in a window or in Terminal to start the program in MacOS.

TradingView Setup

1. Edit alert, and key in the correct JSON format in the message area.
2. Set the correct URL in the webhook text box.
3. Message format described as below:

"name":"Alert-name", // Name of the alert
"con_id":"ticker-id", // Contract ID or Ticker ID
"sec_type":"sec-type, STK/CASH/", // Security type: STK (Stock) or CASH (Forex) or FUT (Futures)
"action":"sell-or-buy", // Action to perform: sell or buy
"volume":20000 // Volume of shares or cash amount
"exch": "SMART" // The exchange


"name":"Cash Alert",
"exch": "SMART",


1. Unable to receive alert
– Make sure the program is set up and running.
– Ensure TradingView webhook is configured properly.
– Check whether the current port 80 is blocked by a firewall.
2. If the Program Closes Automatically

If the program closes automatically, launch it from the command prompt.
a. Open the command prompt:
Click the search icon on the Windows desktop.
Type “command prompt” and press Enter.
b. Navigate to the program folder:
For example, type cd C:\xerolite.
c. Execute run.bat:
Type run.bat and press Enter to start the program.
3. Port 80 in Use

If port 80 is already in use, it means another program on the machine is utilizing it. Please free up port 80.


A. Command Debugging:
– To check for processes using port 80:
– Run `netstat -ano | find “80”` in the command prompt.
– To find the PID (Process ID) of the process:
– Run `tasklist | findstr “PID”` in the command prompt.
B. On Windows Server 2019:

If using Windows Server 2019, stop the “Web Deployment Agent Service” to release port 80.